Full-Day Intensive
A full day of looking at your business architecture and laying out a comprehensive strategy. We use this time to really get you set up to get your business to exactly where we want it. We'll prioritize before we get started but we've got plenty of time to hit on your business model, organization, plan, marketing strategy or whatever else is top of mind for you. Your agenda is the agenda, but regardless you walk away with concrete action steps and the tools you need to carry them out. This intensive is delivered virtually and may be split into two half days.
Non-Member price $4000 Member Price $2000
Half-Day Intensive
Same idea as a full day, just half the time and half the cost. We meet virtually to set your top priorities and then tackle what is top of mind for you in 4 deep strategy hours. The best half days are the ones laser-focused on a specific project or problem.
Non-Member price $2000 Member price $1000
The Power Week
A power week is exactly what it sounds like, a week of powering through all the things that need to get done to get your business to where it needs to be. Each day for 5 days we meet for 2(ish) hours to lay work on a specific thing. Then you spend the rest of the day following through on action items we created. Iām right there with you for execution as well with open limes of communication all week long. With 5 days to work through this, we can cover the full vision and strategy for your business, your pricing+packaging+business model, your marketing and sales strategy, and how to integrate your business seamlessly into your life. Again, whatever is top of mind for you is top of our agenda. We will meet beforehand to strategize on how to make the most out of this time. This is my most powerful and intense intensive
Non-Member price $5500 Member price $2750