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Build & Become is the exclusive app for Mission-Driven Entrepreneurs and Visionaries giving them the tools, accountability, and support they need to build intentional lives and deliberately designed businesses.
We aren't interested in success at any cost but are determined to create businesses that support the life we want to lead and the impact we want to have on the world. That is why, using the Build & Become approach, we reverse engineer the business you’re building, so it can best serve you and the impact you want to have in the world.
Download the app to immediately explore our FREE 7-module training on The Anatomy of Your Business which walks you through all the key areas of your business so that you can systematically improve the "health" of your business.
Free Resources
Download the app and sign up to receive access to the anatomy of your business training. This free training will guide you into a new way of thinking about your business as a system. I cover 5 different areas of your business and the body system you can use to understand it better. Whether your business needs triaging or a more general improvement plan, this training series will leave you with practical next steps to move you measurably closer to your goals. In it, we cover:
The Strategic Plan as the DNA (or blueprint) of your business
The Backbone of your business and the bones that give it structure
The Numbers that give you information about your business
How to Feed your business a healthy "diet"
The Marketing that strengthens the muscles of your business and expands your reach
Within the app:
Sign up for my 30-day challenge THE MESSAGE to help you build a consistent content creation habit to fuel the growth of your business.
-This challenge is designed to help you hone – and deliver! – your core message so that you can reach your most authentic audience.
-Building a business (and a life) is all about daily action so you will have access to a habit tracker to keep you accountable to write, film, or record the content that will whisper your message directly in the ear of your market.
Join a 6-week focus for daily focus on what matters most
Take a course on a key area to grow your business
App users will get a sneak peek at the content and one-on-one coaching experience that Membership clients enjoy.
Build & Become membership is designed to bring you Exactly and Only what you need to know to strengthen and grow your business.
Throughout the year we tackle different key area of your business; bringing your attention to it, helping bring it into tip-top shape, and giving you a list of the essential action items.
We also cultivate focus within you as a practice and build your capacity to focus absolutely, making you more productive, and less stressed.